Tea Totalers
It was the first time I ever designed a web site. Wracking my brain for something other people would want to look at and read about, I realized I should choose something I love. Herbal tea is part of my every day. It has to be burning hot outside for me to say “not today” […]
Tulips for Mom

Mother’s Day was approaching, and I was at a loss of what to get my mom. I knew I wanted to give her something meaningful — she is my mom, after all. And I knew how much she adores tulips. My mom will happily recall for you that the tulips in Holland grow to be […]
Bears in North Carolina

In 2013, I visited the Outer Banks in North Carolina for the first time. My camera was constantly strapped to my body, as is the case when I go on vacation. On my last day, I ventured inland to the Alligator River National Wildlife Preserve, eager for a peek at some large, wild creatures. I […]
Phils Fever Grips Fans

I was working the copy editing desk in 2008 at the Daily Local News in West Chester, Pa. This was the year the Phillies won the world series for the second time in their history. There were actual riot-like parties in the streets of Philadelphia the night they won. I only read how they overturned […]